Hidden But Not Unseen is a podcast where we, Andreliz and Renee, navigate life by using the word of God. We want to explain spiritual principles in depth and help guide people through everyday circumstances. Our goal is to have chill conversations on subjects that people might not usually talk about or are afraid to talk about. Episodes will be released every first and third Friday of the month. You can find us @hidden_butnotunseen on Instagram. Hope you enjoy our banter as we on this journey *through life together*
Hidden But Not Unseen is a podcast where we, Andreliz and Renee, navigate life by using the word of God. We want to explain spiritual principles in depth and help guide people through everyday circumstances. Our goal is to have chill conversations on subjects that people might not usually talk about or are afraid to talk about. Episodes will be released every first and third Friday of the month. You can find us @hidden_butnotunseen on Instagram. Hope you enjoy our banter as we on this journey *through life together*